Injongo eyinhloko yokunikezwa kwamandla kwemodi yokushintsha

Shintsha Ukunikezwa kwamandla kwemodi (I-SMPS), eyaziwa nangokuthi imodi yokushintsha amandla kagesi noma isiguquli sokushintsha, iyidivayisi yokuguqula amandla kagesi enemvamisa ephezulu kanye nohlobo lokuphakelwa kwamandla. Its function is to convert a precise voltage into the voltage or current required by the user through different forms of architecture. The input of a switching power supply is mostly an AC power supply (such as mains power) or a DC power supply, while the output is mostly a device that requires a DC power supply, such as a personal computer, and the switching power supply converts the voltage and current between the two.

shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le-imeyili ngeke lishicilelwe. Izinkambu ezidingekayo zimakiwe *

Xoxa no-Kristin
kakade 1902 imiyalezo

  • ukristu 10:12 AM, Namuhla
    Ngiyajabula ukuthola umlayezo wakho, futhi lena yimpendulo kaKristin kuwe